Today is National Cereal Day!
Cereal was always the go-to for breakfast growing up and I have many memories of enjoying it almost every day of my kid life. Over the years we’ve learned that having a nutritious breakfast is more important than ever, so many of us have turned to gluten free granola or organic cereals to keep the cereal tradition alive. After changing the cereal to something more nutritious, now we’ve started to analyze the milk.
Cow’s milk has been a staple in American homes for decades. However, the rise in sales of alternative non-dairy milks over the past ten years is unprecedented.
So what’s the deal?
Are nut milks really better for you?
What are the pro’s and con’s of each?
And most importantly, what really is the best milk for cereal?
First off, nut milks are packed with nutrition. Although they don’t match up with cow’s milk on protein content, many have just as much or more vitamin D & calcium. They’re lower in calories and carbs, so if you’re trying to cut back, nut milks are perfect to use in place of cow’s milk in any recipe without sacrificing taste. If you have a nut allergy, nut milks won’t work for you, but other than that they are pretty much allergen free.
Cow’s milk does have more protein than most nut milks, however many have discovered that dairy does not agree with them. Whole milk is high in fat and calories. Also, some people have ethical concerns about modern farming practices.
While cow’s milk has a few choices, there are a variety of nut milks to choose from. Almond, cashew, macadamia, hazelnut, walnut, and peanut milks are all becoming more and more popular by the day.
When it comes to the best milk for your gluten free granola? Well, it really just depends on your taste. Personally, I go for either unsweetened almond or macadamia nut milk. It’s the best with Ocean Ranch Organic Vanilla Super Seed Gluten Free Granola.